צעדי חסד
Ch14. Wireless LAN 본문
- Introduction
- First
- Wireless LAN vs. Wired
- Wireless Networks
- Characteristics of the wireless networks
- How to access controlled in these types of networks
- Second
- Wireless LAN defined by the IEEE 802.11 Project.
- Define the architecture of this type of LAN and describes the MAC sub-layer
- Third
- Bluetooth technology as a PAN(personal area network)
- Addressing mechanism, Packet format
- Different layers used in this protocol are also briefly described and compared with the ones in the other wired and wireless LAN
- Wireless LANs can found on college campauses, office building ETC...
- Ad Hoc Network
- There was no infrastructure -> Organized by nodes
- 네트워크를 구성 및 유지하기 위해 기지국, AP등과 같은 기본 네트워크 장비가 필요하지 않다.
- Connection of a Wired LAN and a Wireless LAN to Other Networks
- Characteristics
- Attenuation
- Signal spreads in all directions
- Interference
- The receiver can receive not only the signal of the intended sender, but also the signals of other senders
- Multipath
- Signal can be reflected on obstacles such as walls, objects etc.
- Error
- SNR(Signal-to-Noise Ratio)
- Attenuation
- Access Control
- Wireless LAN is access control
- How a wireless host can get access to the shared medium(air)
- CSMA/CD algorithm does not work in wireless LANs for three reasons
- Wireless hosts do not have enough power to send and receive at the same time
- The hidden station problem prevents collision detection
- The distance between stations can be great
- Wireless LAN is access control
- IEEE 802.11 Project
- IEEE has defined the specifications for a wireless LAN
- That is covers the physical and data-link layers
- It is sometimes called wireless Ethernet
- Wireless LAN that is certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance
- The standard defines two kinds of services
- Basic service set(BSS)
- Extended service set(ESS)
- Consists of fixed / mobile stations and access point(AP)
- Ad hoc Network : network without AP
- Infrastructure network BSS : network includes AP
- Consists of two or more BSSs with APs
- Distribution System : connect APs of BSS
- MAC Sub-layer
- IEEE 802.11 defines two MAC sublayers
- Distributed Coordination Function(DCF)
- Selecetive approach of infra network
- Centralized polling used by AP
- Point Coordinaion Function(PCF)
- Ccarrier-Sense Multiple Access
- CSMA/CA used by station
- Distributed Coordination Function(DCF)
- IEEE 802.11 defines two MAC sublayers
- RTS : source -> Des로 data송신이 가능한지 물어보는 단계
- CTS : RTS에 대한 응답(Yes/No)
- Data : If CTS answer is 'Yes' -> send data
- ACK : Response of the Data
- NAV : CTS에서 데이터 통신이 얼마 만큼의 시간동안 전달이 될지에 대한 정보가 담겨있기에, 이를 이용해 NAV결정
- Size : RTS<CTS
- Exposed Station Problem
- RTS, CTS both are waiting for transmission
- You can see the above figure, There is exists B, A, C, D
- A and C are communication So, it is caused 'Explosed Problem'
- What is 'Explosed Problem'? well, C can send to D becasue this area is free, but C erroneously refrains from sending because of received RTS
- 전송거리 제약 -> 무선에서 신호를 보내는 세기가 약해서 한 번에 통신을 못 하게 되는 경우가 발생한다. 이 때문에, 여러번 거쳐가면서 전달한다.
- Mobile Ad-hoc Net -> Sensor Network
- A에서 B까지 통신을 하려고 하는데 서로 거리가 너무 멀 경우, 무선에서는 신호가 갈 수 있는 범위가 한정 돼 있으므로 범위 내 center에 대해서 도착지까지 도달할 수 있을 때까지 계속 신호를 보낸다.
- OFDMA은 Wi-Fi6에서 중요한 기술로 대두된다.
채널을 세분하면 작은 패킷을 동시에 여러 장치로 병렬 전송할 수 있다.
도착한 패킷은 전송되기 시작하며 다른 패킷을 기다릴 필요가 없고, 다운링크 OFDMA에서 라우터는 서로 다른 부반송파 그룹을 사용하여 서로 다른 클라이언트에 패킷을 보낼 수 있다. (ASUS의 설명)
- Variable Data signal
- Multi Input Multi Output
- Beam-Forming
- 특정 방향으로 에너지를 더 많이 받아서 신호를 전파한다.
- 원래 받은 데이터와 원래 데이터에서의 발생한 에러와 합쳐보면, original Data를 만들어 낼 수 있다.
- Wi-Fi6 & Wi-Fi7 Comparison
- QAM Comparison
- Bluetooth
- 짧은 거리에서 무선랜 기술로 운영되는 방식
- A Bluetooth LAN is an ad hoc network(somtimes called gadgets, find each other and make a network called a piconet)
- Basic Spec
- Piconet
- Master가 Hoppin patern을 사용하면 그에 따라 slave들도 해당 패턴에 맞춘다. -> piconet형성
- Scatternet
- Scatternet (Connected Piconet between Piconet)
- Pattern Change(Frequency Change) : Based on ID -> Created Pattern
- Bluetooth 4.0 Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE)
- What is Bluetooth Low Energy? NEW, open, short range radio technology
- Basic Attributes of BLE
- 40 physical channels are used
- These channels was selected to avoid channel interference with Wi-Fi communications
- Overview of communication
- Scanning & Advertising -> Parsing -> Connection -> Data Transmission
- "Data" Transmission without connection
Communication range à 50~80m in real environment
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